Published in 25 ATHE HAMPTONS ART SCENE, ArtHamptons & Art Southampton 2013INSPIRING & INSPIRED, The RJD Fine Arts GalleryTHE SPECTACULAR CARNIVAL OF LUCERNE, Photos and Text D.P. 2015A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS, Danny Galieotes Amusing PaintingsNEW YORK LOVE STORY, Photographer Karsten StaigerSTARS, A NATIONAL MONUMENT & THE MAGIC OF BILL MACKZÜRICH, A Cosmopolitan & Cultural Vortex UNITED IN LOVE & ART, Photographers Reka Nyari & Ian BrewerSYMPHONIE OF PASSION, Artist Josef KoteGABE LEONARD, Painter/Philospher/ArtistARTHAMPTONS 2012METAPHORICAL REALISM, The Art of Vladimir KushPOLO, THE SPORT OF KINGSTHE HYBRID ART OF ART WOLFEBRITISH MASTER PAINTER MARY JANE ANSELLTHE COLORFUL WORLD OF PETER MAXSENSUALITY, LOVE, BEAUTY & PATHOS, The Art of Raphael MazzuccoARTHAMPTONS 2015INTERVIEW w/ NICK KORNILOFF, Partner & Show Director ART MIAMI LLCFOX 5 TV ANCHOR ROSANNA SCOTTOTHE MAGICAL ART OF SCHERER & OUPOROVTHE MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACTOR, Stephen FanukaTHE TIME IS ALWAYS NOW, The Art of Peter TunneyDALE MATHIS, Art Was My Key To FreedomTHE DELECTABLE WORLD OF MINIMIAM, Artist Couple Akiko Ida & Pierre JavelleTHE HIGH STAKES WORLD OF SHEILA ROSENBLUMHAMPTONS ART SCENE, Fair schedules 2013, Photos by D.P.25A's EXOTIC CAR SHOW 2013, Photos and Text D.P.A LIFE IMMERSED IN ART, Sculptor Rhoda SherbellCHELSEA MANSIONAMERICAN PEACE FOUNDATION, 25A LIST, Text & Photos D.P.THE HORSES OF SABLE ISLAND, Photographer Drew DoggettJUNIOR POLO MATCH, 25A LIST, Text & Photos D.P.25A 4TH OF JULY PARTY Arthamptons 2015T-OFF, 3 Public Golf Courses on the Gold Coast