GELATO! - Designer/Model Sonjja Baram, NY

Alex G Cao in front of his work at ArtHamptons 2012

DJ Lola Lobster in front of painting of her by Raphael Mazzucco

Artist Raphael Mazzucco in front of his multimedia art

Leandro Castelli vor seinem Gleichnis, gemalt von Vater Luciano Castelli, Zürich Dez. 2016

Anjuli Castelli & friend in front of her father, Luciano Castelli's masterpiece Zurich, Dec.2016

Raphael Mazzucco relaxing at home poolside, with his floating art, Southampoton 2013

Simon Burton & his painting 22Thirst22, ArtHamptons 2012

Peter Tunney in his studio, SOHO NY 2013

Gallerist Howard Rosenbaum with artist Raphael Mazzucco

LANA & KEVIN BERLIN Southampton Benefit 2015

Author/Photographer Monica Randall & Robert W. Smythe at 25A Polo Summer Party 2012

Gallerist Emmmanuel Fremin & artist Young Sam Kim (his art left) ArthHmptons 2013

Marlene Tseg Yu in her studio in NY, surrounded by her monumental paintings

Marlenen Tseng Yu w/ her "Red Cell Slow Motion" & "Seaweed Floating" Acrylic on canvas 6"x20"

Artist Marlene Tseng Yu 2013

Marc Seidenfeld in front of his photographs, ArtHamptons 2012

Live Art at Art Southampton 2013

Actor Enkelejd Mezini, Ikeria, Greece 2016

Artist Peter Tunney in his office, SOHO, NYC 2013

Designer Sonjja Baram in her own creation, my studio, NY 2014

Artist Alex G Cao, Arthamptons, July  2012

Artist Kevin Berlin and his fair lady, ArtSouthampton 2015

Executive Chef Jeffrey Scala, Cipollini, Manhasset, NY

IN THE OFFICE - Peter Tunney, SOHO NYC 2013

Artist and friend Josef Kote, New York 2013

Alex G Cao in front of his work at ArtHamptons 2012

Tiffany Busch (front) and Stacy Rodriguez, Meadowbrook Polo Club, NY

Artist and friend Leonardo Plaia, NY 2012

Gino Miles and his sculptures, ArtHamptons 2012

Jill Zarin and husband Bobby Zarin, Miami Beach, January 2013

Artist Raphael Mazzucco at his house in Montauk 2014

Tiffany Busch and Stacy Rodriguez, captain & patron of Las Viñas Polo Team w/ referee Juan Vasquez, Meadowbrook Polo Club 2012

Westwood Gallery's co-owner Margarite Almeida and artist Michael DesRosiers with his work, ArtHamptons, NY

Artist and friend Josef Kote, New York 2013

Artist Peter Max with collectors Cici Carr & Gayle Cohen, Nassau County Museum of Arts Ball, NY 2012

Syndicate race horse stable founder, socialite and former ballerina Sheila Rosenblum at  her South Hampton estate, August 2014

Robert Hemm, Angela Anton (owner Anton Newspapers) Dr. Barbara Capozzi & Dr. Brian Amoroso

Artist Peter Max & gallerist Drew Miller holding 25A open at Diana Pinck's article on Peter Max, Key West FL 2015

Rhoda Sherbell working on one of her monumental sculptures, NY 2012

Artist Ultra Violet in front of her work "Self Portrait" Founder and Executive Director of ArtHamptons, Rick Friedman at ArtHamptons 2012

PAN ARTIST - Dancer/Writer Jenniver Meave

Designer Sonjja Baram in the Boob-Bouncy-House, MoS, NYC 2014

Photographer Benno Klandt along Highway 25A, Long Island, NY 2014

Marlene Tseng Yu in front of one of her monumental paintings  at ArtHamptons 2012

POLO - Claudio Ochoa, Vicka w/ father, Patron Luis Rinaldini & Esteban Scott at the Meadowbrook Polo Club, June 2012

Artist Raphael Mazzucco at his house in Montauk 2014

Publisher Chase Backer with daughters Jillian & Jamie at 25A Launch Party 2012

Artist Ron Burkhardt in front of his work, ArtSouthampton 2015

Artist Eric Fischl Arthamptons 2013

Potion Cupcakes owner Sofia Demetriou (her Cake in background left) & publisher Chase Backer, 2015

Stephan Fanuka with his wife at 25A cover party January 2015

Artist Sarah Tse at Scope NYC, March 2015, via artify gallery Hong Kong

TO THE WINNERS THE SPOILS, Meadowbrook Polo Club. August 2013

Margo Selski and her work, ArtHamptons 2013

Artist Jeff Muhs in front of his work, SCOPE NYC 2015

Artist Andrea Kowich in front of her work with gallerist Richard Demato ArtHamptons 2013

Author S. - Manhasset Isle, November 2014

AU-REVOIR LA FÉE  - Designer/Model Sonjja Baram

ES GRÜSST - Kevin Berlin and his Fair Lady, Southampton 2015